Egomania Itself
Q. Is it your testimony that it's perfectly okay for GNC to put products on its shelves, to sell pills to people if those pills have no benefit? A. We make the assumption that they make the decision based on some perceived benefit. — GNC board chairman Jerry D. Horn, in sworn deposition Whew! What a crazy ride the last 2 weeks have been: I was Joel'd, Bray'd, Slashdotted, featured in Agile Mafia Monthly, and completely buried in an avalanche of email from Alert Readers. The highlight of it all was probably the invitation I received to speak at an Agile conference in Vancouver, B.C. They told me, and this is a direct quote, "we promise not to cut your balls." They then went on to reassure me that just to be sure, they'd get me a security guard. Yikes! No doubt the Agilawyers have been scrutinizing my Tyler Durden clause, seeing if they can find a loophole and take me up on it early. Ha! I won't be taken so easily. "A fool and his balls are ...