
Showing posts from February, 2007

A Noogler's View of Google

I know I promised I'd blog once a week, but they killed Simone and now I'm just incredibly distraught. How could they? So I guess I'll recycle some stuff from my internal Google blog, from my first few weeks there, about 20 months ago. Blatant self-plagiarism. What's the blogosphere coming to? I figured I'd publish it so you know what it was like for me as a newcomer at Google. In case you were planning on sending me a resume. You know. Just in case. If you want some real content, check out this funny rant about programming language names . It's a good read. Free karma to the first taker! Anyway, here are my first few entries in my Google internal blog. Ah, to be a Noogler again... Important Disclaimer (like, duh) - I don't speak for Google. These opinions are my own. Remember, this was written for a Google audience, so I left a bunch of obvious stuff out. You'll just have to come see for yourself, I guess. Hope you like it. Noogler 101 Tue...

The Next Big Language

There seems to be a long period of initial obscurity for any new language. Then after that comes a long period of semi-obscurity, followed by total obscurity. �Paul Bissex Note: after I wrote this entry, one or two commenters speculated that I might be talking about something Google is doing. They're barking up the wrong tree: I may not be the smartest feller ever to fall off the cabbage truck, but I'm not -that- stupid. The speculation in this blog is all based on stuff I've read on the net. It's purely my own ideas and opinions, and I don't speak for Google (nor in today's entry, even -about- Google). You'll have to look beyond Google for clues about NBL. Enjoy! People are always asking me to comment on their new programming language they're designing. I don't know about you, but I find that pretty funny, given the general trend of my comments on existing languages. I mean, if you saw someone walking around kicking people directly in the ...

My save-excursion

A friend of mine on a neighboring team at Google presented me with an interesting math problem the other day. It went like this: Friend: Hey Stevey! Me: Uh, you know people don't actually call me that to my face, right? Only behind my back. Friend: (cheerily) But you're Stevey! Look at your badge! Me: Sigh. OK, fine already. What's this math problem? Friend: Let's say there's this hypothetical blogger who writes for 4 hours a month, and he desperately needs an editor who will never materialize, and in those 4 hours he produces very... large... ummm... Me: And what exactly are you trying to say there, ex- friend? Ex-friend: Oh, nothing! It's purely hypothetical! I'm just saying that I, er, well, I've been reading for hours and I'm only half done with your last blog entry, and I accidentally fell asleep and had a wonderful dream that I was finished reading it, and then I woke up and my keyboard was gone. Plus I'm still not done ye...