A Noogler's View of Google
I know I promised I'd blog once a week, but they killed Simone and now I'm just incredibly distraught. How could they? So I guess I'll recycle some stuff from my internal Google blog, from my first few weeks there, about 20 months ago. Blatant self-plagiarism. What's the blogosphere coming to? I figured I'd publish it so you know what it was like for me as a newcomer at Google. In case you were planning on sending me a resume. You know. Just in case. If you want some real content, check out this funny rant about programming language names . It's a good read. Free karma to the first taker! Anyway, here are my first few entries in my Google internal blog. Ah, to be a Noogler again... Important Disclaimer (like, duh) - I don't speak for Google. These opinions are my own. Remember, this was written for a Google audience, so I left a bunch of obvious stuff out. You'll just have to come see for yourself, I guess. Hope you like it. Noogler 101 Tue...