js2-mode: a new JavaScript mode for Emacs
I've written a new JavaScript editing mode for GNU Emacs, and released it on code.google.com . This is part of a larger project, in progress, to permit writing Emacs extensions in JavaScript instead of Emacs-Lisp. Lest ye judge: hey, some people swing that way. The larger project is well underway, but probably won't be out until late summer or early fall. My new editing mode is called js2-mode , because eventually I plan to support JavaScript 2, also known as ECMAScript Edition 4 . Currently, however, it only supports up through JavaScript 1.7 , so the name is something of a misnomer for now. It's almost ten thousand lines of elisp (just for the editing mode), which is more than I'd expected. So I figured I'd tell you a little about what it does, why I made certain choices, and what's coming up next. Even if you're not a JavaScript user, you might find the technical discussion mildly interesting. Features In no particular order, here's what js2-mod...