
Showing posts from November, 2008

Ejacs: a JavaScript interpreter for Emacs

So! I have all these cool things I want to write about, but I broke my thumbnail. Can you tell that's a long story? See, this summer I got excited about playing guitar again. I usually switch between all-guitar and all-piano every other year or so. This summer I dusted off the guitars and learned a bunch of pieces, and even composed one. I was prepping for — among other things — a multimedia blog entry. It was going to have a YouTube video, and a detailed discussion of a wacky yet powerful music programming language you've probably heard of but never used, and generally just be really cool. And then it all came crashing down when I busted my thumbnail off. And I mean off — it broke off at least a quarter inch below where the nail and skin meet. Ick. I just accidentally jabbed my steering wheel, and that was that. I remember reading an interview with some dude who said he had punched a shark in the nose. He said it was like punching a steering wheel. So now ...