Pass it on...
I wrote an article called We Don't Know What We Don't Know . The reason I wrote it was because I know that every assistant knows something that their colleagues don't, but if they did it would be helpful in their jobs. So why don't we share and better yet, how can we share? I think the first reason is what I put in my original article. We don't know what we don't know. I might be doing something that works really great, but just assume others know about it so don't say anything to anyone. I mentioned this to our team of admins at one of our meetings so when one of my co-workers found out how to do something they thought to share it with the team. I had no idea this could be done, but I was thrilled when I got her email, but it just proved to me once again that we are all holding on to things we take for granted that others know about. The tip she sent me was how to edit a...