Who's the Leader?
When dealing with meetings a good question to ask yourself is what is your role in it? Are you the leader or are you just providing your boss's availability? If you are organizing the meeting, then you are responsible to send the initial email out requesting the participants to attend. You will need to give them as much information as possible so they can make an informed decision about attending. If you know their assistant's email address, I always copy them on this initial request. If you don't have their email address, many bosses will copy their assistants when they reply to the initial request and you should keep a note of that and include them in any follow up emails. The people invited need to know the purpose of the meeting, you should provide three or four dates and times for the meeting, they need to know who is calling the meeting and why their attendance is needed. Once a date is agreed upon, you will need to book the meeting room, con...