
Showing posts from November, 2011

Should I stay or should I go?

You know it's time to move on from your present job when you see these things happening: Lack of interest The challenge has gone out of the job and things are becoming routine and mundane. Lack of trust You notice that you are not getting the same respect as before and things you do are being questioned more often. Lack of fun When the fun is gone then it becomes work and that is no fun at all. Over the years you start to see what things about your job spark the most interest.  For instance I really like organizing things and have a little jump to my step whenever I start the planning process for an event.  I also enjoy training and passing on information.  I am in the process of developing testing for admin interviews and I really enjoyed doing that.  I also like creating job manuals.  To me it is fun to put the pieces together and come up with a manual that will be helpful to any new person starting the job (I think that goes alon...

What to expect when you start a new job

Reading, Reading and more Reading Expect to do a lot of reading the first week you are on the job. You will be given information about the organization, what benefits they have and forms that you need to fill out.  Read and learn as much as possible.  This may require you to do the reading on your own time or during break or your lunch hour.  Meeting new people You will also be introduced to a lot of new people and told what they do.  You will most likely be given the staff phone list and an organization chart.  If not, ask for it.  You should keep these readily available to remind yourself who does what as you will need to refer to that often. New hire information When you first start a job, you will be given lots of information that you need to know about your new job.  You should have a time of training with someone who can give you an overview of what you need to do and be available for any questions.  Depend...