
Showing posts from March, 2012

The Borderlands Gun Collector's Club

Craw is so damn frustrating!!! He and his sidekicks have killed me so many times that I think I am starting to get sore in real life....arghhh need better weapon!! He will die though, oh yes he will die and I will do the brick dance around his stupid purple corpse. -- dedbydwn At the end of it all, Borderlands is well presented, but get under the {incomprehensible mumble} polish, it's just a dull, spare, nuts-and-bolts shooter with some unnecessarily good writing bridging the slow process of watching numbers steadily increase. A game for the kind of person who takes pictures of his car's odometer whenever it clocks another thousand miles.  -- Zero Punctuation Diablogenarian : Someone who played Diablo as a kid, still waiting for Diablo III on his 80th birthday. Editor's Note: I totally did not write this post. My friend did. Hi-*her* name is Chaz...mina. So for all you dear people waiting on me for "stuff", whether it's Wyvern or js2-mode or Amazon War ...