
Showing posts from July, 2012

The job of looking for a job

I have been involved in conducting a few interviews for admin jobs and here are two of the main things I have noticed about those who are unsuccessful: resumes are out of date and not relevant to the job applied for and the person was not prepared for the interview. When you go for an interview you have to keep in mind that they really do want to hire someone, but you have to make it worth their while to hire you. Look at being unemployed as a full-time job and what you are trying to do is sell yourself. Here is what I recommend. 1) Do try the temp agencies. It is better to be working. When on a temp job, work as if you are on probation all the time. You never know who is observing you. 2) When you go on an interview and are not successful, ask for feedback. What could you have done better? What was it that they didn't think qualified you for the job? Many times I have interviewed people and wished they would ask because I wanted to tell them what they could do differently so ...

At Your Service

The admin role is a service-oriented position.  Basically we are there to serve management - whether that be one executive or multiple managers and staff members.  Managing our time can become more challenging when serving more than one person.  Not that the volume is greater, because as someone who serves the CEO of our organization, I know that is not the case, but because it is coming from multiple sources it can seem overwhelming.  This is where we have to be creative in managing our time and workloads and an admin team can be invaluable in helping you accomplish that. In this time of government cutbacks each of us is responsible to show that our job adds value to the organization.  I find when we are part of a functioning admin team, then we can show that even more.  We are each responsible for managing our workloads and sometimes the work just becomes too much for one person and we throw our hands up and sa...