How do you stay organized?
I replied to this question on a Linked In forum so thought it was worth repeating here. If I was an employer, I would want to ask this question of any admin who was applying at my organization. Since it is almost second nature to most admins to be organized it is sometimes a difficult question to answer, but it is just for this reason that it needs to be asked. An admin has to be a strong organizer and an employer doesn't want to hire someone who isn't. When answering this question think about what you do when you first come in in the morning. For example, this is what I do when I come in in the morning: After I turn my computer on and it is loading, I check my voicemail messages and write anything down that I need to follow up on, action or pass along. I then go through my emails and prioritize what is urgent for the day. Our job is to keep our boss organized, so at the end of the day I get everything ready for him for the next day by providing meeting ma...