
Showing posts from March, 2009

When working isn't fun: Ho hum, ho hum, it's off to work I go...

Do you ever get that ho hum feeling about your job and know it is time to consider moving on? I do. After four years at my previous job I knew it was time to go. When an opportunity came up, I went for it. I was speaking to someone on the weekend about that and she agreed. She felt in her current job she was not being challenged and used to her potential and was thinking about making a change. She told me that when she feels like that she asks herself, is this where I want to be in the next five years and if the answer is no, then she knows it is time to leave. Working is something we all have to do, but when it loses our interest, it makes it pretty hard to get up in the morning and make the commute in. Job satisfaction is important. Polish up the ol' resume It is all right to send your resume out and see what kind of response you get. There are still jobs to be had, you just have to find them. In this new age of not doing anything more than a quick spell check on documents, make ...

How to get Office fat fast...

I've been gaining weight lately and couldn't figure out why until I started to look at my new office habits. How to gain weight in six easy steps: Do not eat breakfast before going to work. You can always buy a quick croissant or sticky bun to get you through the morning; Never bring a lunch to work. The specials at the cafeteria in your building will certainly have something greasy and fattening for your enjoyment; Don't take a lunch break. Stay at your desk and continue to work (while quickly gulping down the above greasy fast food); Don't drink lots of water during the day, it will only make you have to leave your desk more often; When you need a quick pick me up visit the office candy bowl for a sugar high or better yet, keep a candy bowl at your own desk to save steps; Try not to schedule exercise into your work day. You don't have time anyway! An ACE commissioned study found that secretaries, teachers, lawyers and police officers walked significantly fewer st...

When you need it later: The Bring-Forward System

My boss likes me to keep him organized and the way I do that is to have a system to bring forward items, which I then bring to his attention when he needs to see it. The system I use is quite simple and has been around for a long time. They taught this system when I was in highschool and it is still being taught and used by many assistants today because it works! Tried and True Method: I set up 12 hanging file folders labelled January through to December. If my boss is going on a business trip in April for instance, I put his ticket, passport (if necessary) and any material he will need for his trip in the April folder, with a bf date on it i.e. April 6. If there are forms that need to filled in and it has a due date in June, I put those forms in the June folder with a bf date on it for a week before it is due. Each day before I leave for the day, I go through the appropriate hanging folder and look through it for any items my boss will need the next day. I then put the items in a two-...

Story Time

So I've got all these fancy blog posts planned. More than planned, actually — they're well underway. But it's also been a busy couple of months, so nothing's really ready yet. To make my schedule even worse, I kind of sort of got myself a little bit addicted to the writings of this one blogger. Normally I can't frigging stand blogs, including my own. Everyone always asks me what blogs I read, and I reply: "Um... do books count?" Which of course is greeted with blank stares, since nobody seems to read books anymore these days. Such a shame. Anyway, recently I tried another fling with reddit. I'm always getting addicted to reddit for a little while, and then coming off it cold-turkey for a month or two while I reassess whether I want to be spending my life reading pun threads and upmodded lolcat pictures and conspiracy theories. Not to mention the comments, which can individually sometimes be quite cool, but in aggregate only make sense when you r...

I always have the perfect answer ... the next day!

Someone says something to you at work, but you weren't expecting it so aren't prepared with an answer. You want to say something intelligent and well thought out, but it comes out all wrong. When you go home however -- that is the time you come up with the perfect answer. You go over the conversation you had with your co-worker or boss, but this time you put in the answer you would have said if you had taken the time to think about it. Or at least that is what happens to me... I recently went on a professional development day and one of the speakers spoke about the importance of respect for our co-workers and team members and how that should be reflected in our communications with them. He said we should take time before we answer and that it was all right to say, "I'll get back to you on that" or "Let me think about it." He also suggested that you have something in your mind as a marker that will help you in your conversations. His was, "What would...

Spring cleaning on the blog

It is a very sunny day today with a promise of spring in the air so I thought it was a good time to spring clean the blog. You will notice on the side bar I have put a lot of the reading sites (My blog list etc.) at the bottom and moved the My Favourites up so it would be convenient for your use. Under My Favourites, I have added a Meeting section with some useful sites and combined many of my travel related links under one title simply called Travel. I have also combined all the tutorials, training and other education-related links under the title Training. I have removed the Google Ads as I thought it took up a lot of space and wasn't very useful and included the index of my articles instead so you could easily scroll through and see a list of the articles that have been posted by date. I hope this will be more user friendly and accessible to everyone. If you have any favourite sites that you think others would find useful, please send them along and I will add them to the sideba...