I look like that!!

It is always weird for me to see myself on video. I can't believe I look and act like that.

I was in a workshop today on presentation skills and one of the things they had us do was present something to the group while they filmed us. I just finished watching the DVD they made of my presentation and came to the following conclusions:
  1. I should have started my diet six months ago rather than only last week;
  2. I will never wear a sleeveless dress again without a jacket;
  3. I really need to spend a little more time styling the back of my hair and not just the front.

Other than the reality check of the above three items, it was a great way to see how I project myself and how other people see me. If we could all see how we act with each other, I wonder if that would change the way we behave in the office.

At times I have wondered why a colleague has taken something I've said the wrong way or gotten a certain impression about me. Now I think I have a better understanding of what may have happened. Perhaps I had a look in my eye or my tone was sharp or any number of things in my mannerisms could have given the impression that I was angry or frustrated with them. Of course, the reason could have been that I was up all night with a sick child or wasn't feeling well myself or I just had an argument with my spouse and was still stewing about it. Sometimes the way we act with our colleagues has nothing at all to do with the situation at hand or with that person.

Now that I've seen myself on camera, I am going to be a little more mindful about how I might be perceived by my co-workers. I am also going to have a complete makeover, but that's another story...


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