Taking the time to acknowledge someone and say thanks...
When I was young my Aunt Joyce would send me a birthday card each year and put a bit of money in it. I so looked forward to those cards. We were a large family and being noticed as an individual and special was rare so receiving these cards just made my day -- somebody was actually thinking of ME! It made quite an impact on me and now that I am an adult I have been sending birthday cards to my friends and family for years now, especially to the children in my life. There is just something special about receiving a card in the mail. Recently, someone contacted me through my blog to introduce me to an on-line card service. No, it's not e-cards (I am not a fan of e-cards as one more e-mail cluttering up my Inbox is not a welcome thing), but these are actual hard copy cards that you can customize and send out with your own special message. The cards are all made with recycled paper and you can even include a gift if you like and this c...