Minute-Taking Coach

I am one of those rare birds who actually enjoys taking minutes, although I avoided taking them for years.  I wouldn't apply for a job if I saw that minute taking was a requirement and if an employer ever suggested it, I threatened I would quit.  However, when I finally decided to try it, I found I really liked it.  I enjoy the preparation leading up to the meeting, the actual taking of the minutes and the follow up afterwards.  I particularly like senior executive meetings.

So how did I get into it?  In 2007, I started this blog and wrote articles on various subjects of interest to an administrative assistant.  I had never written on minute taking though and knew that was probably something people would want to hear about.  So I bugged and bugged a friend of mine who was a Senior Executive Assistant and experienced minute taker to explain it all to me.  After listening to her, I realized that once I knew the purpose for being there and what I needed to listen for and take down, I really thought I could do it.  I'm not one to do things in half-measure so when a job came up for an Executive Assistant and Corporate Secretary to the Board of Directors, I thought, "Why not!" and plunged right in and went for the interview and was hired.

The CEO was taking a chance.  He knew I had years of administrative experience, but he also knew I had never taken minutes before, except for a short time right after high school.  The next Board of Directors meeting was in three months and nothing had been done to prepare for it so I plunged right in.  Under the CEO's tutelage, and with what my friend had taught me, I organized the next Board of Directors' meeting and all its Committees.

What changed things for me was having the CEO on my side helping me along the way.  I also had my friend I could call if I had any questions.  What a help that was to me in those early days.  When I finally did take the Board minutes, nobody at that table knew I was anything but a very professional and competent minute taker.  Having people on your side can make the difference.

From all my years of giving minute-taking webinars and speaking to groups of admins, I found that the fear of taking minutes is one of the biggest hurdles to overcome.  That is why at Boomerang Virtual Assistants, I wanted to offer clients my services as a minute-taking coach.  I know from experience that it can make all the difference.
Having a coach by your side providing encouragement, being available to answer any questions, reviewing the minutes, making suggestions and helping along the way can be a game changer.  And yes, my friend who helped me all those years ago is also on my team and part of the baby boomer team who make up Boomerang Virtual Assistants.
If you want to invest in your assistant, or are an assistant who wants help with minute taking, please contact me at patricia@boomerangvirtualassistants.com or visit my website at www.boomerangvirtualassistants.com and fill out the enquiry form and let's talk minutes!


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